I love all kinds of pickles...sweet, icycle, bread n' butter...you name it, I eat it!
When my husband and I first bought this property, we decided that we were going to plant a garden that next spring...and WE DID! Neither one of us had done much in the way of gardening since we were both kids. When we were first married, my husbands mom would can eveything from ketchup to applesauce!
Spending time with her in the kitchen during those long weeks of hot and humid August weather, seemed almost unbearable, until the end...when you got to taste and savour your finished product...and oooooh, mmmm, so good! Then, you counted your blessings for all that the Lord has provided you with for that season, and called it good til' next year rolled around.
Anyway, here we are now...in our own home, raisin' twins...trying to make ends meet, and keep everyone healthy! It only makes sense, then, that we would have fresh foods to eat from our own garden...and what we can't eaat right away, well...we preserve! And we try to do it as a family, to make the experience more enriching! It's a lifeskill well learned, if you're paying attention!
And so it goes...cucumbers are in season...and mamas kitchen is open!
Everyone always raves about my dill pickles, and it's not anything special really...thinkin' it might be the love I put into each jar as I make it! Either way, I'd have to say, though, that the BLUE BALL BOOK of PRESERVING...has been my friend from the start! And that's actually where my kosher dill pickle recipe comes from...it's no secret...it's just good common sense!
If you're interested to find out more about it, you can go to http://www.freshpreserving.com or anywhere that sells canning supplies will most likely have it for you to purchase.
In the meantime...let's make some pickles...kosher style!
After washing them all up...cut the tips of the ends off and set aside...get your jars ready for raw packing now...I always wash mine and put em' through the hottest rinse cycle possible in my dishwasher...but if you don't have one of those...just rinse and let stand in the hottest water you can in your sink...you could pour some boiling water over em' too...just make sure they're good and sterilized!
These are all the ingredients you will be using:
You will also need the following:
3/4 c. sugar
1/2 c. canning salt
1 qt. vinegar
1 qt. water
3 TBS. mixed pickling spices
Green or Dry Dill (1-2 heads per jar, you can use your stems too...the more dill the better!)
Now, combine your sugar, salt, vinegar and water in a large saucepot on the stove...tie up your pickling spices in a cloth bag and then add it to your vinegar mixture once it's hot...then let it simmer for a good 15-20 minutes or so.
While your sauce is cooking down, you need to start 'packing' your jars. I use quart jars, but some people prefer pints (it's all up to you and how many people will be eating them at one time in your household!)
Also,...If your cukes are too big slice em' length wise, otherwise I like to leave mine whole if I can!
Before you begin packing your cukes in the hot sterilized jars now, add the following to each jar:
1-2 bay leaves,
1-3 cloves of garlic,
1/8 tsp. cayenne pepper,
1/8 tsp. crushed red pepper,
1/2 tsp mustard seed,
and...about 3-4 black peppercorns....
Now, pack those jars tight with the cukes...you can gently take a wooden spoon handle or a butter knife and move them around to get the best fit...then, put your head(s) of dill on top in the jar (scrunch em' down in there!) and make sure nothing is sticking out over the rim.
Your sauce should be ready to pour into your jars now...again, your can move a butter knife down through, gently, to remove any air bubbles from the mix...fill to within a 1/4" from the top of the rim.
Wipe your rim and around the side clean and sterilize with a hot water ring around the rim quickly before you place both caps on...make sure it's tight...place gently in your water bath that you have already prepared, and let bath for 15 minutes now.
And once done, take them out and place em' on a thick towel or two on the counter...they will seal themselves within an hour or two...when cooled, store or eat! ....and that's how you do it!